Questioning About The One

My friend, V.A.S, and I had a discussion about Marriage and stuff. Don’t get us wrong, it is not because we want to get married fast, but because many of our closest friends were married last year. We were thinking like this: “How do you know if she or he is the One?” That will be a long discussion that I might post in the future, but the question that I will try to answer is this: “How do you find The One?”

Here are the perspectives that we will consider:

1. My mother believes that God had planned everything from the start. Everything including The One.

2. My friend, H.K., believes that God never predestined us about anything including The One, so it is up to us to choose who we want to marry.

My opinion? It leads me to 3 conclusions:

1. God is all powerful and all willing, He could choose our soulmate, just like God appointed Gomer to be Hosea’s wife. If God can do it in the past, so He can do it in the present and future. We just need to discern and hear God’s voice.

2. Humans have free will. Humans can choose whoever they want to marry. So you have the ability to decide.

3. Other people (not us) pick for us to whom we shall marry. Like arrange marriage.

At the end, either 1 ,2  or 3 whoever is walking down the aisle with you, is because the both of you choose to do so.

So what do you think? Comments and responses are highly encouraged.